My Dream

Note: It appears I took some what of a sabbatical from the blogging world. :)  It wasn't intended but now that I'm back I do hope to have some good things for you!  Maybe you could help me out by letting me know in the comment section what kind of posts you would like to see more of.  Do you like portrait sessionsDo you like nature shotsDo you like more personal posts?  On a different note, this post was supposed to be up on the blog two weeks ago  . . . but I'm posting it now anyways. :)

Yesterday was National Dream Day.

Children dream wild crazy dreams.  Dreams of flying to the moon for breakfast, sleeping on a cloud for nap time, and eating dinner with a princess in a castle.  Young people dream about going to college, graduating top of their class, changing the world with their newly acquired knowledge, meeting someone amazing and then changing the world with them.  Adults dream, the elderly dream, everybody dreams; mechanics, politicians, moms, entrepreneurs,  . . . everybody hopes for something.

Today I'm dreaming about photography.  These are  my top six photography dreams.

1. Interning with this girl

2. Owning a 50mm prime lens

3. Owning an 85mm prime lens

4. Upgrading my camera

5. Second shooting a wedding

6. Traveling with my camera over seas (perhaps this is more of a dream to travel, but ya know:)

These are six of my photography dreams, what's one of your dreams?

1 comment

  1. I love ALL your posts, variety is good.

    Elaine :)


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