Over Coffee (or tea) : A Favorite Memory

It's a series about hearts, the raw, and beauty.  It's the lights stuff and the hard stuff.  It's what we might share if we were sitting down over coffee (or tea).

When I asked for questions, Haley commented and mentioned the word "memory". That inspired today's post.

I was two years old when I made a decision.  I don't remember how I made it or what inspired it but it must have been the same thing that inspires hundred of other big sisters. I wanted a little sister. I began praying, they were two year old prayers that grew to six year old prayers.  Two little brothers and four years from that big decision the last child in our family was born and that baby was a girl! I remember being incredibly excited.  I can still distinctly remember when my dad came down the hall at the hospital and told us that it was a girl.  I remember seeing her for the first time.  She looked nothing like me (she still looks nothing like me:).  I have dark hair her's is blond.  I have green/hazel eyes her's are blue.  Yep, we stick out but we're okay with that.:)

She's my baby sister and I'll probably never forget that moment when I found out God answered my prayer!

 This is us one year ago. Photo: courtesy of my wonderful aunt.:)

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